
Employee Spotlight is a new CauseMatch blog series meant to surface stories of the amazing individuals behind our platform. 

We’ll interview people who are developers, graphic designers, coaches, marketers, customer success representatives, and all those in between… THESE are the people who make CauseMatch GO. These are the people who guide fundraisers through the invigorating process of online campaigns.

Today, let’s get to know Geva Or, a member of the Technical Customer Solutions team. 

  1. Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Jerusalem, and I still live here today.

  1. What is your favorite place that you have visited and why?

I visited central Japan last year for a pretty long trip (about a month and a half). It was the experience of a lifetime!

The culture, the views, the cities… it was incredible. Plus, I’m a big food enthusiast, and Japanese food is one of my favorites.

If I have to choose one place in Japan that was truly my favourite, it would be Lake Kawaguchiko, which overlooks Mount Fuji. It’s a magical place.

  1. What’s something you’d like to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

I’m planning on starting a degree in Computer Science next year, so that’s very new to me!

  1. What’s your typical day at CauseMatch look like?

After a good cup of coffee, I log in to our system and start helping our clients with the technical side of their campaign.

Between chats and emails I work on expanding the CauseMatch Knowledge Base with helpful information for our clients.

Since I dabble in web development, I also help with the continuous design process of our Knowledge Base.

  1. If you were to tell one person “Thank You” for helping me become the person I am today, who would it be and what did they do?

That person must be my long-time girlfriend, whom I’ve known since we were teenagers.

She knows how to motivate me to achieve my goals and how to bring me up when I’m down. She has a very objective point of view and I always come to her when I have doubts about certain things.

  1. What is one detail that all great crowdfunding campaigns have in common that you have seen?

Passionate people. Passionate and positive people “infect” other people on the team to carry the campaign forward and help the cause.

  1. What is your biggest challenge at work?

Finding the simplest and most efficient way to help clients and donors with any tech-related issue or request.

  1. What advice do you have for prospective CauseMatch clients?

Find the best way to convey how important your cause is, and let us help you run the best campaign possible.Our team has ample experience in running successful campaigns. Be sure to use it!

  1. What has been your proudest moment at CauseMatch?

We recently launched a big project that required cooperation between us in the Technical Customer Support team and all the other departments. For me, it is always amazing to see the amount of dedication and hard work that is being done by my colleagues and by the organizations. It all translates to successful campaigns

  1. What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
    I’d probably book a long vacation in Japan or somewhere in Europe, and after that, a house in the middle of the woods.

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