
Employee Spotlight is a new CauseMatch blog series meant to surface stories of the amazing individuals behind our platform. 

We’ll interview people who are developers, graphic designers, coaches, marketers, customer success representatives, and all those in between… THESE are the people who make CauseMatch GO. These are the people who guide fundraisers through the invigorating process of online campaigns.

Today, let’s get to know Jeremy Stern. Jeremy is one of the newest members of the CauseMatch team. He joined as the Director of Partnerships and Engagement after a decade-and-a-half of nonprofit leadership and fundraising experience. Check out the CauseMatch Partners Network that he is building.

Where did you grow up? Los Angeles, California

What is your favorite place that you have visited and why? The Lincoln Memorial during the Super Bowl. I couldn’t care less for football, and the place was empty. I just stood there, me and Old Abe, reading his Second Inaugural. It was breathtaking.

What’s the strangest talent you have? I can clap really REALLY loudly. I’m the guy who starts the applause in a big event. It makes up for the fact that I can’t snap or whistle!

What’s your typical day at CauseMatch look like? Lots and lots of meetings with staff and CauseMatch partners, and an occasional email here or there. I usually get into the office around 10am and I leave around 5 or 6. Then I block off two hours for family time (my wife and I are blessed with 6 kids, thank God!), and back to meetings on Zoom for the evening.

When you look for potential CauseMatch partners, what qualities do you look for? A great people-person who is passionate about this new era of digital fundraising.

What three words would you use to describe the CauseMatch work culture? Collaborative, trusting, and fast-paced

What is one detail that all great crowdfunding campaigns have in common that you have seen? The final hour of the campaign, when a well-run campaign blasts into the stratosphere of fundraising success and the donations come in fast and furious.

You’ve only been here for a month.  Do you have a proudest moment at CauseMatch so far? Being a part of incredible campaigns like World Mizrachi and Renewal.

What is the funniest thing you did as a kid that you still get reminded of to this day? Sing a song that I made up about baby artichokes. (They’re so yummy!)

You’re going sailing around the world. What do you name your boat? Where do you come up with these questions?! My answer: Aquaholic.

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