There are things you can do today to weather the storm and lay the groundwork for continued fundraising success.

I have had a couple of recent conversations about fundraising in this economic climate. The economic downturn is real and its impact on the field of philanthropy is inevitable. 

With that said, there are a couple of things that fundraising professionals need to keep in mind during these times. 

1) People want to give and will look for opportunities to do so. 

2) Whenever the rebound happens, philanthropic giving will bounce back.

3) The absolute worst thing fundraisers can do right now is to decide for donors that now is NOT the right time to give. 

Don’t cut back on fundraising staff. Don’t cut back on fundraising resources. Don’t make the decision NOT to give for donors. 

The only way to weather the storm is to trust your donorbase and invest in opportunities to deepen your relationships.

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