Welcome back to the third and final installment of our blog series on maximizing your fundraising campaign’s potential.
In Part 1, we explored how Donor Rescue can recapture lost donations and maximize your campaign’s impact. In Part 2, we explored how the Ambassador Command Center will mobilize your team of volunteer fundraising ambassadors effectively by tracking their progress in real-time.
Now, let’s dive into another game-changing tool: Campaign Compare.
When you’re running a campaign, every moment is precious. Naturally, you’re going to want to use your time wisely. You want to concentrate on tasks that are most likely to yield high results for your fundraiser.
One of the best places to find donors to give to your campaign is to isolate those that have given to you in the past but haven’t yet donated this time around. These donors have already demonstrated their belief in your organization and are likely to do so again if you communicate with them effectively.
Enter Campaign Compare. With this powerful tool, you can easily identify churned donors. You can easily stack rank all of those gifts and sort by largest amount. And you can easily track which ambassador secured the gift last year so you know who to ask to secure it again.
All of these donors can then receive a special, personalized message that reminds them of their past generosity and encourages them to take action to donate again.
It’s yet another simple-but-effective way that technology can work for you to make fundraising a whole lot more powerful. By leveraging Campaign Compare, you can tap into the goodwill of past donors and increase your chances of reaching your fundraising goals.
Now, you have the ability to reconnect with donors who have slipped through the cracks, remind them of the impact they’ve already made, and invite them to be part of something meaningful once again. With Campaign Compare, it’s easier than ever to engage with these valuable supporters and inspire them to join you in making a difference.
So, when you’re mid-campaign and aren’t sure what to prioritize next, puse Campaign Compare. Take the time to segment your past donor and reach out to them with a heartfelt message of gratitude and invitation.
Make donors feel valued, appreciated, and inspired, and watch as your fundraising efforts soar to new heights. Because when you harness the full potential of tools like Donor Rescue, the Ambassador Command Center, and Campaign Compare, there’s no limit to what you can achieve through your campaign.