Big news, my fundraising friends! CauseMatch campaigns can now accept Donor Advised Fund payments.
With a new integration through Chariot, donors can issue a grant directly from their DAF account to your campaign in just three clicks in under 15 seconds! You will immediately know the gift was made and receive their contact information to properly steward the donor.
DAFs have grown from 7% of annual charitable contributions in 2017 to 17% in 2022. They represent $230 billion in Assets Under Management making them by far the fastest growing vehicle in philanthropy. In 2022 alone, $52 billion (!!) was given from DAFs to nonprofits. Historically however, DAF donations have been completely disconnected from high inspiration fundraising efforts and giving campaigns.
If you’re like most other nonprofits, more and more donors have been asking you if they can give through their DAFs. Now, the answer is YES.
The average DAF gift in 2022 was $4,798, making it 24x larger than the average credit card gift! That’s why it’s so critical that you provide an optimized digital giving experience for supporters making DAF donations.
Chariot supports all of the largest providers, including Fidelity, Schwab, Jewish Communal Fund, OJC, Pledger, and many more.
Get ready to elevate your digital giving experience and watch those DAF dollars flow in like never before. The future of fundraising is here, and it’s DAF-tastic! 🌟